Northern light healing

Dear you.

Welcome to those of you who visit us and want to know more about northern light healing.

Northern light healing springs from the source and is a pure energy of love that is arranged for you as a human being in this time on earth.

Northern light healing is designed for the body's new energy system and geometric formula which is built around the 4 higher elements, the etheric body, the plasma field, the field of consciousness and the field of love as the outermost and embraces everything of you.

Everything that is downloaded by sacred geometry is light codes has been done in collaboration with the higher consciousness plane from the karmic council of Lady Nada and the Northern Light Master A´HO who is the ambassador of the Galactic Federation for the earth.

On the course, you will be opened to the consciousness of love that you are and that directs you towards the highest part of you. Many inner spaces will be opened gradually out of surrender to your higher service. This service is and will be arranged for what you have decided to do in this time on earth in your soul mission.

Doing your service is carried out from a completely pure source of love in you, which is something you have not had the opportunity to fully do before on earth.

The one who has most strongly shown us this source of healing love is Jesus Christ. He totally opened up to this power as a 30-year-old. This is a higher Christ power we all carry within us, but which has been limited by and in our bodies through our journey in duality.

Northern light healing is determined from the source to awaken, manifest, create, re-create, heal, rejuvenate everything around us. This also applies to nature and all living things.

Nordlyshealing opens completely new doors/portals that have not previously been available to us humans.

The Northern Lights energies come from the 11-12th dimension and higher and are assigned to each individual soul. You will get to know these energies through initiations, through yourself as personal experiences and experience and through and work with others.

Northern light healing is not a form of healing that we know from the old consciousness.

This form of healing is not something you practice (do), but a state you are prepared for as the Master/creator within you. You are the energy. The energy knows everything.

The more you surrender yourself in service in the form of love, you will become more and more prepared for yourself and your inner power/light and creation through your heart. This is truly pure creation from the heart.

Through your cells, you will be prepared to keep this energy in your body and physical life.

The energy/service you enter into is a collaboration with yourself and your inner power of love on an inner level and God within you.

Perhaps this is the greatest purpose your soul has planned on earth. Jesus said in his message to us: When man is ruler over the body - you as a man are ruler on earth. He also said: You will do greater miracles than what I have done.

You will receive the initiation of all the Northern Lights energy that prepares you for your own inner journey as your soul

Through insight, understanding, awareness and experience of who you are, you will develop yourself as a soul through body, mind and spirit.

The Northern Lights energy consists of many frequencies, light codes and sacred geometry that will help open you up to higher consciousness more and more and help align you with your higher soul task.

You are prepared to be energy/be God in you. There is no agenda in new consciousness - the energy knows everything.

You are made clear as portal and essence of love through the unique perfection that you already are.

Without doing is new to us humans. Here it is about surrendering to yourself and the source within you and allowing the energy that passes through you to know.

The Northern Lights energy is made up of color codes/scales that you will be familiar with.

These are portals as large of consciousness as we have never received on earth before. The universe gives us this through consciousness, experiences of walking/being in a human body. This will lead to new increased awareness as the physical person you are in this life. This includes an understanding of all creation in micro and macro. You are prepared to be in love with all living things in the universe in co-creation through you as a soul

This platform has now been developed for the new human you and consists of 3 basic levels of consciousness which are about you as a soul - you as God in a human body.


Below we give you information and an introduction to the 3 main energies in northern light healing. 


These are unity energies (expansion of crystal energies) that hold a higher consciousness given to us.

Almost 30 new aurora energies have been downloaded to us humans (as of Dec. 2022) that go on in various areas. Below we give you information about 3 of the main energies that you will be initiated into in Nordlyshealing step 1.


Chi-Ma-Ki is an energy that increases consciousness, which strongly opens up the consciousness towards the higher God portals and Northern light energies.

Chi-Ma-Ki aligns/opens you to your soul/spirit and your higher/consciousness.

This is an energy that grows and expands through you and your consciousness all the time.

You can see Chi-Ma-Ki as a god energy/force - a united energy. It is an energy that springs from the higher god level and expands via northern light codes and sacred geometry.

It is an energy that expands you and makes micro and macro awareness even greater.

It makes it easier for you to get in touch with your higher consciousness and can be aligned with bigger pictures/awareness in your life. This energy expands horizontally. To get a bigger picture of your life where you stand, it might be nice to use this symbol Chi-Ma-Ki.

It is also an energy that expands growth and development that expands all biology, everything to do with creation.

It is an energy that builds something new and has a strong connection with your creative power.

It is energy that makes flowers grow, it is a fiery energy that nourishes all living things. Which can also be used if a person is in pain, has gone through a death, needs to move on, needs to see the light, reach for the light, then Chi-Ma-Ki is important to use.

Chi-Ma-Ki is strongly linked to the fire energy/fire element. It also increases awareness in the chakras so that you can see in a much larger space or on a macro level.

Chi-Ma-Ki is Sanskrit from which all the other Northern Lights energies are also derived. This is all O energy.

There is a geometric formula/code in all these words that is born through Nordlyshealing. Aurora healing is composed of a geometric formula that has sacred geometry and is aligned with the color hologram/akasha archive that is adapted to the new human body.

This consciousness is classified as crystal consciousness, indigo consciousness, rainbow consciousness. All the different realms, the rainbow realm, the crystal realm, the indigo realm, simultaneously all planets.

The energy called Chi-Ma-Ki is a God energy. It comes in different shades of green, from pastel green up to gold. It is in great acceleration from the highest gold, to piece green a kind of god energy in different levels. The whole energy/consciousness is green, but it cuts through green and there is gold inside the whole energy.

You can send this energy through distant healing and also use it in close healing. to yourself.

There is no template or agenda in this consciousness.

It is an ALL energy that knows everything and has everything in it.


This energy is strong on creation and manifestation and is subordinated to a higher creation, a creator portal, a feminine force and it is strong on acceleration on an earth plane. Creating what you want on an earthly level.

The energy is crystal blue with a lot of silver inside. It is and from the light to the dark in many facets.

This power called Chi-Ra-Ki is used through and in creation. It is strongly aligned your hands and from your higher heart. It is a great energy that comes from your heart and out through your hands through creation and through your breath.

It is strong healing and healing to the human body. When this energy is breathed out and pulses through, it is incorporated into a new creation.

You don't need to think or stay focused. The energy has everything in it and has no agenda. It knows where it is going.

It transforms the body and aligns the body with its own power of love. A restart/reset/new creation of the body.

The energy is very moving, it is like a dance - like the northern lights and moves through and out from your heart and emotions, like a heart dance that dances through your arms from the heart and out through your fingertips and into you/your client or mother earth or what you touch when you use this energy.

It is comparable to light weaving and you can use it through light weaving. The heart dances, God's heart dances during different heart dances and movements.

You can also see it as a united feminine force. You can see Chi-Ma-Ki as a fire energy that accelerates and Chi-Ra-Ki which is creative love power that is strongly subordinated to the element of air and God's will power.

As a birth or as a joy through the birth, through the child, through the dance, through creativity, through feminine power - through expressing oneself in the movement.

We can show you a symbol of a seed in the soil. Where you breathed in Chi-Ma-Ki to the seed and the seed begins to grow/gets a power/nourishment that grows through your breath.

And when you see the seed expanding in the physical, it is as if Chi-Ra-Ki, is a joy like discovering that everything grows and expands in you/every living thing.

These two energies (Chi-Ra-Ki and Chi-Ma-Ki) are very close in creation and unity. God created through fire, light and love which are the first two energies that are given to man again. They are in unity with each other. As a kind of foundation pillar in the creation of the new earth in you and in all living things.


It connects with the New Sacred Earth Power, the New Feminine Sacred Universal Power.

All the new aurora energies coming in now have a connection with a higher portal, a higher sacred hologram that is arranged for the new human body and the new earth society. These energies are linked into unity energy and have different tasks in the physical new body and in the creative power of the new earth.

Everything is ONE energy, not a duality energy and therefore the energies each have their own sphere of action, but work together anyway, as a common platform, but each with its own origin. This is how it is throughout photosynthesis from the beginning. But all share a common platform together. You can see it as a tree that has many branches and where each branch unfolds and grows in different ways. These things can carry different fruits/energies.

You can imagine the Northern Lights energies as a tree that carries lots of different energies. But which has a foundation/platform that is aligned with God's creation through which the entire Grail passes. Each individual branch is composed of a greater energy, a god portal. And where all the elements are aligned the new form of energy into the new human you.

Aia-Ma-Tra is a gathering point, a code, a force that accelerates all the energies. Can be experienced as a transformer. This energy was first given to us in Nordlyshealing.

Aia-Ma-Tra is a superpower/God force that opens up all the Northern Lights energies. And which opens up and accelerates man on all levels where he is to be opened up. It is power that must be used and incorporated into all the other auroral energies. It is not an energy that comes first.

It is when you as a practitioner can experience that both Chi-Ma-Ki and Chi-Ra-Ki work well together that you can use Aia-Ma-Tra to accelerate both of these 2 energies towards a much higher energy/purpose.

Aia-Ma-Tra is an energy that you can use to balance all the Northern Lights energies, so that they come into contact with each other. Follow your heart in this.

Let's say that a person does not have contact with the fire energy or his higher power or contact with his creative power and his feminine part, then Aia-Ma-Tra can be good to use to get in touch with these two energies.

Remember that Aia-Ma-Tra is not the same as the other energies and should not be used in the same way. It is an energy that comes when the others are balanced. That's when it's strongest.

It is a sacred code that is preserved that has a creative force, a united energy that has development, with the expansion of new universes, new geometry when everything is ready. The one who creates new planets, new universes.

Aia-Ma-Tra is a very high power of love. 

Then we thank you for us. We are from Northern Lights Energy and are assigned to the birth of the earth and people. We are under different master energies that take part in the new earth in cooperation through all living things.